miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

Primaria- 2°A- Rimas

Los nenes de segundo, separados por casas, hicieron rimas con el ritmo de Baa Baa black sheep


Tweet Tweet yellow bird, have you any feathers?
Yes sir, Yes sir, three bags of leather
one for the nest, one for the little bird
one for the feathers in the body of Bert


Oink Oink pink pig have you any fur?

Yes sir, Yes sir I am the third
One for the master, one for the dame
and one for the piglet who lives far away


Moo Moo white cow have you any stains?
Yes sir, Yes sir three stains thanks
one in the head one in the arm
like all the cows who live in the farm


Cuack Cuack yellow ducklings have you any wings?
Yes sir, Yes sir three for the kings
one for the left, one for the right
and one for the little hand that writes

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